Sunday, 11 October 2015

Professional Fitness Screening.


You may have felt the benefits of seeing the SSC team in one of our treatment rooms, but did you know we offer a selection of services and treatments outside as well?

Everybody can benefit from exercise, the question is, how do you know you are doing the right thing? 

Evidence suggests limb strength asymmetry is a leading cause of injury as well as poor posture from working conditions being a major cause of lower back pain, with more than 80% of the population suffering with at least 1 bout in their lifetime.

Our highly skilled exercise professionals use the latest assessment methods to ensure you are moving in an optimal way. We perform a full fitness assessment including general health markers such as blood pressure, waist and bmi measurements, and even body fat testing.

Next is a measurement of static posture and a full Functional Movement Screen (FMS). This consists of 7 tests that identifies movement impairments and allows us to prescribe a unique programme of exercise care that addresses your individual needs. As part of the screening, gait analysis and aerobic fitness tests can also be assessed.

This is all packaged in a fitness report presented to you in your own portfolio which can be rested at suitable increments. This tried and tested method has been used on elite athletes as well as grandmothers who only want to get up and down off the floor without the use of an aid to play with their grandchildren. 

We offer clinical personal training and strength and conditioning to support the screening process with Andy Cole clinical exercise director. Andy has several thousand hours of exercise delivery experience and is currently finishing his MSc in Sports Injury Rehabilitation. He has also been coordinating the GP referral scheme at The Fifth Dimension with over 300 referrals from cardiac rehab to post surgery rehabilitation. 

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

New prices for Professional Sports Massage.

We are pleased to announce that for Sports Massage with our well trained staff, we are now offering 30 min appointments for only £28 or 1 hr for £40 from both of our locations in Stroud.. For bookings please book online or call our reception on 01453 762369.